The Christian view of public relations is based on certain immutable principles that are founded on the message of love which is the Gospel’s Good News and upon the dignity of man, who has been called to be an adopted son of God. Through His incarnation, “Christ revealed himself as the perfect communicator”. Human history and all human relationship exist within the frame work established by this self-communication of God in Christ. Christ showed us that “communication is more than the expression of ideas and the indication of emotion; at its most profound level, it is the giving of self in love”. Christ’s message enables us to build up relationships based on a proper understanding and true interpretation of man, which contributes to the common good. Therefore, the practitioners of public relations are called to respect and contribute to the integral development of the person which embraces the cultural, transcendent and religious dimensions of man and society.
I think, in the present society, what needed is a ‘person-centered’ public relations which considers man as an end in itself, respecting his dignity. A person cannot be treated as a commercial good because he is an end in himself, not a means to the ends of others. The inviolable dignity of the human person derives from the fact that he is created in the image and likeness of God and is called to a communion with God. As a person, with reason and free will, he is innately imbued with the natural moral law, which is the guide of his conduct and the source of his obligations. Public relations becomes effective and genuine when it respect the inherent capacity of human beings, the freedom of will. It is this inherent capacity that enables man to subordinate himself to the common good. “Man’s capacity for love depends on his willingness consciously to seek a good together with others, and to subordinate himself to that good for the sake of others, or to others for the sake of that good”.
Man’s dignity comes from the God who created him and no one can take that away from him. It demands the absolute respect for the right to life of the individual. Respect is perhaps the most important element in any successful long-term relationship and that is what, a public relations practitioner should develop with the clients. As it is said, respect is not given, it’s earned. Respect is not dependence or considering oneself at the mercy of the other. It is admitting other’s dignity and position in society together with one’s responsibilities towards the other. This understanding and awareness lead the public relations practitioners to find common grounds of cooperation in their profession.