mercoledì 14 luglio 2010

A Christian View of Public Relations

The Christian view of public relations is based on certain immutable principles that are founded on the message of love which is the Gospel’s Good News and upon the dignity of man, who has been called to be an adopted son of God. Through His incarnation, “Christ revealed himself as the perfect communicator”. Human history and all human relationship exist within the frame work established by this self-communication of God in Christ. Christ showed us that “communication is more than the expression of ideas and the indication of emotion; at its most profound level, it is the giving of self in love”. Christ’s message enables us to build up relationships based on a proper understanding and true interpretation of man, which contributes to the common good. Therefore, the practitioners of public relations are called to respect and contribute to the integral development of the person which embraces the cultural, transcendent and religious dimensions of man and society.

I think, in the present society, what needed is a ‘person-centered’ public relations which considers man as an end in itself, respecting his dignity. A person cannot be treated as a commercial good because he is an end in himself, not a means to the ends of others. The inviolable dignity of the human person derives from the fact that he is created in the image and likeness of God and is called to a communion with God. As a person, with reason and free will, he is innately imbued with the natural moral law, which is the guide of his conduct and the source of his obligations. Public relations becomes effective and genuine when it respect the inherent capacity of human beings, the freedom of will. It is this inherent capacity that enables man to subordinate himself to the common good. “Man’s capacity for love depends on his willingness consciously to seek a good together with others, and to subordinate himself to that good for the sake of others, or to others for the sake of that good”.

Man’s dignity comes from the God who created him and no one can take that away from him. It demands the absolute respect for the right to life of the individual. Respect is perhaps the most important element in any successful long-term relationship and that is what, a public relations practitioner should develop with the clients. As it is said, respect is not given, it’s earned. Respect is not dependence or considering oneself at the mercy of the other. It is admitting other’s dignity and position in society together with one’s responsibilities towards the other. This understanding and awareness lead the public relations practitioners to find common grounds of cooperation in their profession.

Public Relations

Public relations is coming of age around the world. In the 20th century, the United States took the lead in defining its practice and formalizing its structure. But in the new millennium, public relations has blossomed into a global phenomenon spanning countries with vastly different cultures, economic and political systems, and levels of development. The numerous public relations agencies and organizations that have sprung up around the world in the past few years are proofs of its recognition and formalization in all continents. Public relations serves a variety of institutions in society such as business, trade unions, government agencies, voluntary associations, foundations, hospitals, educational and religious institutions.

For the effectiveness of an organization, the department of communication plays a very important role. It involves creating, establishing, and maintaining communication linkages between an organization and its various publics in order to retain mutually beneficial relationships. As Seitel states, “for an organization, every phone call, every letter, every face-to-face encounter is a public relations……..The chief CEO who thunders, ‘I don’t need public relations!’ is a fool. He or she doesn’t have a choice. Every organization has public relations, whether it wants it or not”. In a global society, characterized by various types and techniques of communication, public relations renders an organization more credible and transparent by managing, controlling, or influencing people's perceptions.

An organization, especially when it is profitable, should give the due importance to its business affairs; at the same time it should not forget that it deals with publics formed of human persons. Analyzing the writing of some of the experts in the field of public relations, we could realize that they have a functional and commercial approach to public relations. Many of them ignore the ethical issues involved in the practice of public relations. They don’t propose a public relations which respect the dignity and freedom of human person.

But public relations is more than a business. It is a relationship based on dialogue and truth. Dialogue is considered to be the most ethical form of communication in that the truth of an issue had an opportunity to be heard. “Dialogic communication requires the parties involved to be willing to negotiate in order to reach a position that is mutually acceptable. By communicating back and forth in a symmetrical manner, both parties are able to construct deeper understanding of the other’s position and discover ‘common ground’ by not immediately rejecting the position and increasing empathy for each other”. Public relations professionals must have credibility as one of the foundations of their work. To be credible and to achieve respect, they must be open and honest. Public relations must be the conscience of the organization and the standard bearer for truth. Public relations practitioners, therefore, should never compromise their values by covering up the truth. Pope the John Paul II, in his message for the 37th World Communication Day says, “the fundamental moral requirement of all communication is respect for and service of truth. Freedom to seek and speak what is true is essential to human communication. Not only in relations to facts and information but also, and especially, regarding the nature and destiny of human person, regarding society and the common good, regarding our relationship with God”.